Decreased libido - Hormone Wellness Institute

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or lowered sex drive, is when a person experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is normal for them. This can negatively impact romantic relationships and a person's quality of life.

Some common causes of decreased libido include:

Signs someone may have decreased libido include lack of interest in sex, inability to get aroused, decreased sexual thoughts and fantasies, less initiation of sex, and dissatisfaction with their sex life.

If you think you suffer from diminished sex drive, there are solutions that can help boost your libido:

At Hormone Wellness Institute, our specialized physicians provide comprehensive hormone testing and personalized hormone therapy programs to get to the root cause of decreased libido. We help both men and women reignite their sex drive and passion for optimal health and wellness. Contact us today for a consultation!*

I hope this gives you a good overview explaining what decreased libido is, what causes it, and how it can be treated effectively. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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