Chronic fatigue - Hormone Wellness Institute

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent tiredness, fatigue, or exhaustion that is not improved by rest and is not directly caused by other medical conditions. Some key things to know:

If you struggle with inexplicable, long-term exhaustion that disrupts your life, I recommend being evaluated by your doctor. Diagnosing chronic fatigue requires ruling out other potential medical causes first through exams, lab tests and imaging scans.

While the causes aren’t fully understood, researchers from Hormone Wellness Institute believe correcting hormonal imbalances could alleviate fatigue and symptoms in some chronic fatigue patients. Their functional medicine doctors use advanced testing to check patients for thyroid, adrenal or sex hormone irregularities. If abnormalities are found, they offer customized bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to the individual’s needs. Many patients they’ve treated have seen substantial improvements in energy, cognitive function and quality of life.

I hope this overview gave you a better understanding of this complex disorder! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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